software publisher for crisis management and operations


Designed for operational constraints

The Delta Suite has been developed according to the needs expressed by the operators. Thus, the Man-Machine Interfaces are designed for outdoor use in degraded conditions, but also to be used in a command or supervision center or even in an aircraft.

Share with all actors of an operation

The Delta Suite is a software suite that allows to combine geolocalized information with data from different sensors and to share them with all the actors of an operation thanks to advanced communication capabilities.

Modular vision

The Delta Suite is composed of a main base, increased by specific modules, which can be declined in a set of coherent and interoperable versions adapted to the customer’s requirements.

Why choose Impact ?

Logiciel modulaire

pouvant s'adapter à vos besoins

Produit Français

soutenu par l'État

Logiciel multi support

Windows et Android

Utilisé en conditions réelles

depuis de nombreuses années

Logiciel modulaire

pouvant s'adapter à vos besoins

Produit Français

soutenu par l'État

Logiciel multi support

Windows et Android

Utilisé en conditions réelles

depuis de nombreuses années

Who are we ?

IMPACT, an innovative SME founded in June 2012, is based in Orléans. Awarded several times, it is specialized in the edition of software to the benefit of the Defense and Security sectors. For this reason, it has received the label “Used by the French Armed Forces”.

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