National Police

The Delta Suite optimizes the use of on-board cameras on the National Police's EC135 helicopters


Used on the EC135 helicopters of the French National Police, the Delta Suite provides advanced video management and control tools.

The augmented video allows to display, in superimposition of the camera’s analog stream, the different axes and roads of the IGN TOPO® database.

The address and the coordinates of the targeted point are displayed on a cartridge in which the orientation of the sensor is also represented.


Augmented Video

Display tactical information over a video stream for a better understanding of the situation

Sensors management

Assist operators by providing additional information on the status and position of the sensors present

Standalone video player

Video player that can be used alone, without loss of capacity (augmented video, address extraction, sensor information, etc...)

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Logiciel modulaire

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Logiciel multi support

Windows et Android

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