Our products

The Delta Suite

The core of the DELTA SUITE is composed of a basic base, to which specific applications are added, depending on the version: Cartography, Navigation, Laser Range Finder, AIS, Digital Aided Close Air Support, etc.


A video player, monitoring tools and a database manager also complete the DELTA SUITE ecosystem. Our customers can therefore have at their disposal all the necessary means to provide solutions to the issues they may encounter.

Delta suite Aero

C4ISR declination of the Delta Suite. Allows to ensure a fine follow-up of ISR mission combined with the advanced functionalities of a GIS.

Delta suite C2

Command & Control declination of the Delta Suite. Allows real-time monitoring of complex missions, with video streams.

Delta suite nomade

Delta suite Nomade

"Field" declination of the Delta Suite, running on Windows. Allows a tactical follow-up as close as possible to the situation.

Delta suite Android

Delta suite Android

Mobile version of the Delta Suite, running on Android. Allows a fast utilization while keeping advanced functionalities.

Why choose Impact ?

Logiciel modulaire

pouvant s'adapter à vos besoins

Produit Français

soutenu par l'État

Logiciel multi support

Windows et Android

Utilisé en conditions réelles

depuis de nombreuses années

Logiciel modulaire

pouvant s'adapter à vos besoins

Produit Français

soutenu par l'État

Logiciel multi support

Windows et Android

Utilisé en conditions réelles

depuis de nombreuses années

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